Suspected of Spying von Onuk

  • geschrieben am 22.03.2006, 19:31 von Holger

    She should have taken the warnings seriously and not set off. The area was lonesome and mainly covered by forest. A place not best to be traveled. She had heard the serve weather warnings that were issued of a hurricane bearing down quickly. Her careless assumption had been, that she would reach her destination before the storm would get it\'s full power. But she had been wrong. It had broken out suddenly and with a power she never experienced before. Within minutes dark black clouds had covered the sky producing a dim, threatening light as leaves, twigs and other debris came hailing at her windshield. The thunder made her car rumble and the lightening filled the sky as streaks crashed to the ground. She was looking for a place where she could find shelter. A place far away from any trees. But no chance. Only some yards in front of her a huge pine tree fell crashing to the road and blocked it. After recovering from the shock she turned the car around and drove back, but only to find that another tree had fallen and prevented her from escaping back home. What to do? A cry for help? She knew under the current circumstances no help could be gained probably for hours. In her mind she could imagine the scolding of the police or fireman for being so foolish. Scolding was something Sandy could not stand easily, especially if the scolding was justified. Adding to her dismay, looking at her mobile made it clear that there was no reception. She was stranded with no communication to the outside world. Maybe the poles or antennas had been broken. Thoughts raced through her mind, would she ever escape the wrath of the storm.

    Frazzled she suddenly remembered a little turn-off she had passed about half a mile back. Quickly, she turned around the car, the trees along the road were bending alarmingly. There was danger that another could break at any moment. The turn-off, lead down into a narrow valley that gave very little shelter. As she drove cautiously around the last bend, she heard a terrible crack behind her. In the rearview mirror she could see another broken tree blocking the road and it was clear now there was no way back for her. Panicked, she was shaking all over. The last tree had almost hit her car. But no time for a rest, she had to hurry for the more sheltered area now without haste. The surface was no longer asphalt but a dirt road with lots of potholes that already were filled by the pouring rain. She had to keep going though, the road continued to whined down the hill deeper into the valley. After a distance of about a mile there was a turnpike. A sign beside it told her that behind it the area was private and entering was strictly forbidden. But what should she do? Turning around was not possible because of the tree that almost hit her, now blocked the road completely.

    Sandy rummaged for her raincoat and put it on. Then she jumped out of the car, quite aware of the danger to be hit by one of the bigger branches that even here occasionally were hurled by the storm. The turnpike fortunately was not locked. She heaved it up with supreme effort pushing it open. Then she hurried back to her car and passed. Conscientious as she always was, she stopped the car, left it and again took the danger to be hit, only to close the turnpike orderly. Back in the car she undid the wet raincoat and starred along the road. \'Private\' area she thought and \'forbidden\'. She truly was not the sort of girl who usually broke rules, more the opposite, observing rules was her nature. In this case it was an emergency however, she tried to placate her bad conscience. She freed the emergency brake and slowly and carefully she maneuvered around the potholes, bend followed after bend. No turn-offs could be seen. To Sandy\'s relief the valley even got more narrow. Except for the pouring rain the hurricane did not reach here, and after another bend the path lead into a clearing. At the opposite side of it a quite big cabin was standing. Above the front door a light indicated that someone possibly was in the house. Sandy stopped the car. The fact that she was in a forbidden area came to her mind again. Maybe she should stay in her car until the hurricane had pasted over. Pestering people was also not her thing. Bad enough that she had entered their private area. Sandy brooded about her situation. The path seemed to end here, the only possibility to get back was the road she had just traveled where the tree now blocked. She was quite sure, that the municipal street service would not take care about this road, as it was private. She would need the help of the people in the cabin anyway.

    Just as her thoughts had reached this insight, there suddenly was a knock at the window on the driver\'s side. Sandy spun around startled. A man in a raincoat was standing there, with a pistol in his hand. He gave her the signal to open the door, which she did foolishly without hesitation. She was too shocked and threatened to form an idea. \"What are you doing here!\" the man shouted at her. Sandy was speechless, unable to utter a word. She had a lump of guilty conscience in her throat. \"You did not read the sign?\" the man seemed to get even more angry. \"No... ehmmm yes, Sir!\", she stuttered and added whispering, \"I..I.. am sorry, Sir!\". His words continued almost barking at her now, \"And why did you come here?\". The interrogation continued. \"I... I... I... ... Sir, the weather, Sir! I am sorry!\" Sir\'s eyebrows were lifted. \"Lame excuse!\" he hissed........

    Wie es weitergeht, ist in der Geschichten - Abteilung zu erfahren.




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